Nail fungus is an intractable disease, so diagnosing the symptoms at an early stage of the disease will greatly accelerate the course of its treatment. In addition, when the first signs of the disease are detected, you will be able to protect your family / loved ones from infection, since in most cases (from 70 to 80%) nail and skin fungus is transmitted between family members.
How do symptoms appear?

First of all, nail fungus is manifested by an unpleasant odor and itching. If you have started to notice that your feet suspiciously often emit an unpleasant smell (with a timely change of socks and proper hygiene), then this is a good reason to see a doctor to diagnose the disease.

Another symptom of fungus is a change in the color of the nail plate. In this case, the nail is more often damaged at the edges. Small furrows and white spots appear, which eventually begin to increase in size.

If proper measures are not taken, the plate will continue to deform and the fungus will damage new areas of the nail until it is completely infected.
Another characteristic symptom of onychomycosis is a stain of the nail plate. As a result of exposure to fungal spores, it can acquire a variety of shades. In most cases, it is brown and yellow, but when exposed to mold or yeast fungi, it can also take on a darker color.
Also, one of the signs of the disease is a change in the structure of the nail. It can change shape very quickly and begin to crumble.
Other features of the disease
Fungus is a very insidious disease, because the spores of this infection are in the human body for most of life and enter the active phase only in some cases:
- Decreased level of immunity
- Skin diseases
- Mechanical damage to the skin of the legs / arms or nails.
Therefore, you should be more careful if you have one of these signs. If you damaged the nail in a nail salon or wore tight shoes, then it is advisable to use one of the many prophylactic antifungal agents and apply it to the damaged areas no more than once a week.
What should you do if you find the symptoms of a mold?
- If you find symptoms of onychomycosis, be sure to go to the hospital to a dermatologist and do the appropriate tests. There are more than 50 types of fungi pathogenic to the human body, and if you start the treatment yourself, then with a high degree of probability it will be ineffective and you will waste precious time.
- After passing all the necessary tests, follow the prescribed recipe exactly and carry out all the procedures for the treatment of fungi on time. Remember that folk remedies are best taken
in the complex with antifungal drugs and do not forget to consult your doctor about this.
Everything! These are all actions that are required of you when you discover the first signs of onychomycosis. Do not try to self-diagnose and, moreover, prescribe treatment.